Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Lizardman Team: Skinks

These skinks are the first players that I've completed for my Lizardman team, the Scavengers of Scape Ore. I will be playing this team in my local Blood Bowl league's summer season. The models are those from the resin Sarcos Team #2 from Impact! Miniatures which I posted about previously. In general, the quality of these resin casts is pretty good, but I did find a few issues on some of the small details with the skinks (baby crocs). Most noticeably, the figure with an outstretched hand had a finger missing on both of the copies that I received. Despite the casting flaws, the sculpts are nice and show a lot of personality. And, at just $35USD for a whole team they're an undeniably good value. I had a lot of fun painting them. I kept a consistent green and yellow scheme for my rostered skinks and painted one skink in a yellow-brown scheme to use as a journeyman when necessary.

1 comment:

  1. Those are the green and yellow skin tones.
