Monday, October 14, 2013

Chewie Races to Han's Rescue

I got another game of X-Wing in over the weekend with my friend that had bested me earlier in the week. In that earlier game, his two bounty hunters managed to get the upper hand on Han Solo. After we selected our 100pt lists for our battle, it looked like the story would continue. I was playing Chewbacca in the Millennium Falcon with some upstart pilots in an x-wing and a b-wing. My opponent had Boba Fett supported by a couple of heavily armed TIE advanced fighters. The backdrop for the encounter was set. The bounty hunters had delivered Han Solo over to Boba Fett to deliver to the Empire. Chewie broke into an Empire impound yard to retake the Falcon. After blasting his way out of impound, Chewie chased down Boba Fett and his escorts in an attempt to rescue Han.

The early game plan for the Empire was to zero in on the b-wing with the heavy ordinance carried by the TIE advanceds and try to dispatch of it and its heavy laser cannon. As they came into firing range, the b-wing deftly rolled out of the firing arc of one of the two TIEs allowing it to trade shots rather than be instantly vaporized. Chewie raced along the mat's edge, maneuvering into the Empire's blind spot and adding support fire to help dispatch one of the TIEs.

The b-wing tried to navigate around the side of an asteroid in an attempt to get additional protection from the remaining TIE, but still was unable to survive the volley of shots aimed at it. Chewie and x-wing pilot then finished off the remaining TIE and turned their attack scopes towards Boba Fett who was altering his course to keep from flying off the table edge. The final turns of the match played out a story of Chewie and the x-wing chasing Fett around the edge of the mat. Some unfortunate piloting decisions helped Fett in taking down the Falcon, but the x-wing was able to remain fairly hidden outside of Fett's firing arcs and was able to knock the bounty hunter out to secure a win for the Rebels. Ah, sweet redemption.

1 comment:

  1. Cool stuff Chris! I havent gotten into SW, but the models look really nice, and your writeups are good too.

    Hey, congrats on your tiggers too! Im looking forward to the clash at the end of the year!
